Mosiah 2:17

Hello family and friends,

This week was filled with lots of opportunities to serve others. I was grateful to be able to help others and also grateful for all my many blessings. I always feel so blessed when I can help.


Monday night we taught the Grumbles and because they have so many snakes, we taught them a lesson about snakes using the scriptures. We read Numbers 21:6-9 and talked about how we can look to the Savior and be saved. It was a fun lesson.

Tuesday we went up to Mt. Baldy to clean up after a flash flood. There’s a little community up there and a lot of homes had been flooded with mud after the rain we got last week. It was really sad to see all the damage that had been done, but it was nice to be of service. We spent 5 hours in one woman’s back yard digging out mud from her garden and garage and we barely made a dent. I hope we can go again and help more, but if not, I’ll just keep praying for them.

On Friday after we weekly planned, we went to a gymnastics gym called "Frequent Flyers" in the ward adjacent to ours. The members who own the gym needed some help cleaning under the mats. It was a lot of work actually, because we had to disassemble everything, clean under it, and then put it all back together. It was all worth it though when the owner told us we could jump on the trampolines. It was great! The trampolines are not just your backyard tramps, they are the kind they use in the Olympics. I wish I had better pictures to send, but the pictures we took just don’t capture how much fun it was.

Also on Friday, we taught Ernie about temple work and family history at a member’s home. It was a good lesson. We showed pictures of the different temples around the world using the member’s iPad. We got him all set up on and we got him started looking up his family and filling in his pedigree chart. He should be going to the temple soon to do baptism for the dead for his deceased ancestors. Yesterday he passed the Sacrament for the first time and it made me so happy to see him using the Priesthood.

On Sunday I gave a talk in church on Personal Revelation and Testimony. I used a talk given in 2011 by Barbara Thompson. In her talk, she talks about Nephi and how he received revelation. I talked a little in my talk about how Enos received revelation when he seeked the Lord in earnest prayer. I then talked about how we too can receive revelation. It went went pretty well. The member who spoke after me talked about standing in holy places and gave a great talk. The spirit was really strong, I wish I could have recorded it.

Well, that was pretty much it this week. Thanks for all the prayers and love you send my way. I miss my family, but I’m so happy to be here every day. I love you all.

Love, Sister Aimee Cobabe

P.S. How’s everyone’s reading of Preach My Gospel going? I’ve been studying this chapter a lot this week. Take a look and tell me what you’ve learned.

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